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Starship Key Stage 1 National Tests: Numeracy Clips
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How to follow directions—Space, Shape and Measure
Duration: 02:28
Finding numbers on the number line—Place Value
Duration: 03:22
Finding numbers on the number line—Place Value
Duration: 01:51
Shape, scale and accurate measurement—Space, Shape and Measure
Duration: 02:26
Ordering numbers on a number line—Place Value
Duration: 02:51
Using clues to solve logic problems—Data Handling
Duration: 04:24
Understanding hundreds, tens and units—Place Value
Duration: 02:18
Shape, scale and accurate measurement—Space, Shape and Measure
Duration: 04:47
Counting in threes - the three times table—Calculations
Duration: 03:40
Adding two-digit numbers—Calculations
Duration: 02:01
An introduction to Venn diagrams—Data Handling
Duration: 02:10
An introduction to halfs and halving—Space, Shape and Measure
Duration: 01:25
Your way is the best way for you' - calculations—Calculations
Duration: 01:30