This Sceptred Isle Episodes Episode guide
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Magna Carta
36/216 Was King John really as ruthless as he was portrayed? Anna Massey narrates.
Bad King John and the Loss of Normandy
35/216 Richard is dead, John becomes King and there follows a separation from France.
Third Crusade and Death of the Lionheart
34/216 The final crusade and the death of Richard Coeur de Lion.
Coeur De Lion
33/216 With his father dead, Richard becomes King.
Penance, Rebellion and Ireland
32/216 Henry, whilst seeking penance for the death of Becket, also attempts to conquer Ireland.
Murder in the Cathedral
31/216 This programme examines the relationship between Becket and King Henry II.
30/216 The battle between Church and State culminates in the murder of an archbishop.
The Law, the Church and the Coming Tragedy
29/216 With the Assize of Clarendon, Henry begins a major overhaul of the legal system.
Henry Plantagenet
28/216 Henry II takes to the throne and eventually marries Eleanor of Aquitaine.
27/216 With the death of Henry, his nephew becomes King. Anna Massey narrates.
Justice, Power and the Death of Henry
26/216 It is the 12th century and in an Anglo Saxon England, Henry is king. Anna Massey narrates.
Henry and the Scottish Kings
25/216 The repercussions of the Conqueror are still being felt, as Henry marries Matilda.
William Rufus and the First Crusade
24/216 Family feuds and crusades follow in the wake of the Conqueror.
Death of the Conqueror
23/216 William's son Robert sides against him, drawing the Conqueror away from England.
22/216 Anna Massey analyses William the Conqueror's 20-year reign.
The Conquest
21/216 As William takes the throne, discontent increases - and not just from the Saxons.
The Battle of Hastings
20/216 It's 1066, and William, Duke of Normandy, is about to fight a famous battle.
The Battle of Stamford Bridge
19/216 Harold faces two challengers for his crown, William of Normandy and his own half-brother.
Goodwine the Cunning and Edward the Confessor
18/216 Uncertain times face England after Edward's death, with warnings of a great evil.
Cnut and Edmund Ironside
17/216 The Danish King returns to England with his son and Ethelred flees to Normandy.
The Saintly Dunstan to the Canny Canute
16/216 The introduction of the Order of Service by King Edgar.
Athelstan the First Sovereign
15/216 Churchill called him 'valiant Athelstan.' Why was Alfred the Great's grandson important?
The Death of Alfred
14/216 Despite Danegeld and baptism, the Danes continue to cause trouble for the Saxons.
Alfred the Great
13/216 He burnt the cakes, he founded a navy. But why was Alfred 'Great'?
The Vikings
12/216 Having landed in the north of England, the Vikings fought a harsh battle near Lindisfarne.
Ethelbald and His Woman; Offa and His Dyke
11/216 War was a cruel way of life from 731 to 829AD, under two Mercia Kings.
Edwin to Whitby
10/216 Anna Massey reveals how King Edwin became one of the most powerful men of his day.
The Arrogant Saint
9/216 Augustine is sent over from Rome to preach the word of God.
Who Are the English?
8/216 Anna Massey reveales how the invading Angles, Saxons and Jutes became the English.
7/216 Anna Massey sees if there is any truth behind the legend of King Arthur.