Consumer news and issues with Carolyn Atkinson and Liz Barclay.
Presented by Carolyn Atkinson and Liz Barclay.
The largest care home company in the UK has issued a profits warning. Barclays Bank has given them 28 days to come up with a way of paying their outstanding debts.
Airlines are asking top chefs to redesign their menus. Steve Punt gives his view of the in-flight meal.
Huge new shopping centres in Bristol, Liverpool, Leicester and West London are about to open. While they are predicted to be a success, will the knock-on effect be to empty shops in out-of-town retail parks and high streets? With Prof Barry Gilbertson, a partner at Pricewaterhouse Coopers Business Recovery Services, and Dr Richard Barkham, Global Head of Research at Grosvenor.
Cashback sites: How internet cashback sites can save money on online purchases.
Thanet Earth will be the biggest glasshouse complex in the UK, aiming to supply 15 percent of the tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers that we consume. It claims to have impeccable green credentials, though not everyone agrees. With Thanet Earth Managing Director Steve McVickers and Tara Garnett from the Food Climate Research Network at the University of Surrey.