Consumer news and issues with Winifred Robinson and Sheila McClennon.
Presented by Winifred Robinson and Sheila McClennon.
Bus companies have started to axe routes, particularly in rural areas, because of the rising cost of fuel. With Transport Minister Rosie Winterton and Phil Tonks from Bus Passengers UK.
Is parking a plane more lucrative than flying it? BMI is allegedly planning to fly empty aircraft out of Heathrow from the autumn in order to keep hold of their slots at the airport. With Simon Calder, who has written a book on the airline industry.
Although coastal access for people is being opened up, a growing number of beaches are now no-go zones for dogs. Newbiggin in Northumberland has an all-year-round ban while others restrict the times when owners are allowed to exercise their pets on the shore. Fiona Clampin visits Lyme Regis to meet local residents who are concerned about council proposals to further restrict the times when they are allowed to walk their dogs on Front Town Beach. With Jim White from the Daily Telegraph and Ian Cawsey MP.
Nick Goodwin, senior research fellow at the King's Fund, assesses whether NHS Direct has been a success in the 10 years since it launched.
Capita is to take over from Corgi in making sure all gas fitting work is done safely. With Avril Adams from the Health and Safety Executive.
As part of the series looking at how the credit crunch is playing out abroad, Tristiana Moore reports from Germany.