Consumer news and issues with Liz Barclay and John Waite. Including Face the Facts.
Presented by Liz Barclay and John Waite.
We are still recycling less than a third of our household rubbish, according to the latest figures. But recycling labels on packaging are difficult to understand. What needs to be done to improve them With ASDA packaging buyer Shane Monkman and Pat Thomas, Editor of The Ecologist magazine.
With the holiday season at its height, an EU regulation comes into effect tomorrow. This gives anyone with reduced mobility the right to help with boarding, disembarking and catching connecting flights. But how will it work in practice?
Face the Facts investigates Inside Track Seminars Limited, a company which specialised in buy-to-let investment. They claim to have helped over 100 thousand people invest at least 2.5 billion pounds in property, creating hundreds of property millionaires in the process.