Consumer news and issues with Liz Barclay and John Waite.
Presented by Liz Barclay and John Waite.
Piers are part of the traditional British seaside holiday but their susceptibility to fire has meant that many have been lost over the years. How can the 55 that remain be protected?
Both legs of a return ticket are often invalidated if you fail to use the outbound part of the journey.
A new website has been set up by the charity Parentline to help parents understand teenagers. The site features a short dictionary translating teenage slang into proper English. Comedian Steve Punt investigates.
The Property Investor Show opened in London has opened, but with the turbulence on financial markets and UK property prices falling, is anyone still interested in buying property?
The film Billy Elliot may have got more boys interested in ballet but many are still too embarrassed to go to classes with girls, so a dance teacher in Portsmouth has launched a weekly boys-only class.
People planning to make the Hajj pilgrimage later this year are being warned to be aware of rogue travel agencies when making arrangements.