Consumer news and issues with John Waite and Winifred Robinson.
Presented by John Waite and Winifred Robinson.
Why the cost of compensation claims to the NHS has more than doubled in the last four years to 90 million pounds.
A speeding case has collapsed when the judge decided that vital information was missing from the police paperwork. Could this one case on Merseyside have much wider implications for police forces across the country?
How the contractors building the Olympic Village can plug the funding gap in the current economic climate.
It's the end of the line for the Bradford and Bingley, in the US the bail out of the financial sector continues, and in Belgium, the big banking and insurance firm Fortis is being part nationalised. Is there more to come?
Almost a year after the sinking of the MS Explorer in Antarctica, fears are still being expressed about the safety of cruise ships, especially those operating in polar waters.
There are more mobile phones than people in the UK, more shoppers are using them to buy goods, and it seems they are also increasingly being targeted to defraud their owners.
Has our economy grown too dependent on success in banking and finance?