Consumer news and issues with John Waite and Winifred Robinson.
Presented by Liz Barclay and Sheila McClennon.
Consumer watchdog Passenger Focus Rail says that disabled passengers are too often let down by the rail industry.
There are 186 wind farms on and off shore in the UK and only a handful went up without a protest. And, because three times that number would be needed to meet government targets, lots more trouble lies ahead.
An inquest into a person's death is being used to show schoolchildren the reality of drug-related deaths in Manchester.
With fewer people able to afford to move, more have been opting for an extension on their existing home. We assess how the new domestic planning rules affect homeowners.
Discussing the National Trust's decision to take on the management of a two and a half mile stretch of coastline south of Whitehaven in Cumbria, an area that has been used for industrial purposes for most of the last 200 years.
A report on the suspicions of city officials and investigators in Naples that local Mafia are behind many of the unlicensed bakeries which have sprung up in the city's back streets and neighbouring towns.