British Sign Language magazine series. Investigating how easy it is for deaf parents with a hearing child to receive the basic services that they need.
This week's See Hear is a family affair, featuring people of every generation - from babies, to children, to mums and dads and grandparents.
Deaf Parenting UK (DPUK) was set up in 2001 in recognition of the barriers to access and lack of information that deaf parents regularly struggle with. This year, DPUK have taken a big step forward by inviting government representatives to their conference, "Empowering, Enabling and Encouraging Deaf Parents", and giving members the opportunity to tell them exactly what support they need to raise their children. Even in the 21st century, BSL access is still almost non-existent and many deaf parents continue to struggle to get access to information about their children's educational progress and development in a way they can really understand.
Earlier this year we brought you news of the closure of Donaldson's School after 150 years of providing education for deaf children. The beautiful old building is being converted into flats and sold. So what will happen to the school's pupils? See Hear went to Donaldson's new home in West Lothian to watch the First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond, open the new school!
A couple of weeks ago we showed you the bright lights of Blackpool, where hundreds of young deaf people gather every year to catch up, celebrate and let their hair down. On this week's show we'll see another deaf gathering, and even though the hair being let down is a little whiter, the participants are having just as much fun.
See Hear was a fly on the wall as the England Deaf Darby and Joan club held their annual gathering at a holiday park on Hayling Island. 400 deaf people over the age of 50 spent five days catching up with old friends, playing bingo and looking for love (after they finally managed to find their rooms, that is!). We met EDDJ organiser Mike Webster and asked him how he organised a total deaf takeover of the holiday park!