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Leòdhas is Na Hearad/Lewis and Harris

Episode 6 of 8

Air toir sàr bhiadh na h-Albann; a-nochd ann an Leòdhas is na Hearadh. The presenters visit the Western Isles investigating how the famous Stornoway kipper is smoked.

Slighe gu Biadh is in the Western Isles this week where Maggie MacKenzie investigates how the famous Stornoway kipper is smoked using traditional methods. On the west of Lewis, Alasdair MacLeod visits Barvas Estate to go shooting with gamekeeper Angus MacLeod. As the evening draws in they make a peat fire and cook up a tasty snack of freshly shot woodcock. Travelling to Harris the presenters meet the chef of Ardhasaig House, Katie MacAskill, who makes velvet crab soup with crabs landed to the jetty outside her establishment. As the day comes to an end, Maggie and Alasdair make kipper pate and roasted woodcock with an orange and brandy sauce.

An t-seachdainn se tha sinn air ais as na h-Eileanan an Iar far am bi Magaidh NicChoinnich a' deanamh strudadh air doighean tradiseanta a thathas a' cleachdadh airson smocadh ceapairean Steornabhagh. Air taobh siar an eilean bi Alasdair MacLeoid a' tadhal air an geamair Aonghas MacLeoid far am bi ad a' sealag 's a bruich cearc choille air a' mhointich. Sios gu Na Hearadh far am bi Katie NicAscail a Taigh Ardhasaig a' cocaireachd brot dheiseag. Tha am program a' criochnachadh le Magaidh a deanamh pate ceapairean Steornabhagh 's Alasdair cearc choille le sabhs orains 's branndaidh.

30 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Alasdair MacLeod
