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The Big Fall Out

Episode 45 of 52

Comedy space adventure. Toro eats some delivery coordinates, and Rocket Boy gets angry and drops him off on a nearby planet, not realising that his pal is in danger.

Rocket Boy and Toro is a high speed, action packed, comedy space adventure for 6 to 8 year-olds. Working at Grandpa Sat's delivery service with Chrystella the mission controller and Vector the engineer, Rocket Boy is the speediest delivery boy in the entire Universe.

In a particularly mischievous morning, Toro has munched through the day's delivery co-ordinates. Even Rocket Boy is annoyed because now they have to navigate with old-fashioned map. Toro isn't the best map reader and he takes Rocket Boy on a bit of a wild goose chase, ending with a trip through The Great Custard Falls of Nebula Nonno.

The pair have a big argument and Rocket Boy drops Toro off on the nearest planet. That's fine by Toro! As luck would have it, the Geminians who live there love people who love food, and few love food more than Toro! Rocket Boy, meanwhile, is struggling to read the map himself and realises he might have been too hard on Toro and sets off back to make amends. Little does he know that a swarm of giant hungry, planet eating creatures are heading for the planet and his pal is in trouble. He arrives just in time and, renewing their friendship in the face of imminent danger they lead the creatures off to the Custard falls of Nebula Nonno and an unlimited supply of food which tastes much better than planets.

11 minutes
