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S霉il air a' chaitheamh/Meeting victims of the White Plague

Episode 4 of 20

Surviving the 20th century killer in Scotland - Tuberculosis. Victims of This deadly disease reflect on their experiences.

Be貌 as d猫idh a bhith fulang galar marbhtach an fhicheadamh linn ann an Alba - A' chaitheamh. Tha feadhainn a dh' fhuiling an galair seo a' cuimhneachadh air an 脿m a chur iad seachad anns an ospadal, air na drogaichean leighis agus mar a tha an galar air buaidh a thoirt air am beatha.

Surviving tuberculosis in 20th century Scotland. Victims of the often deadly disease reflect on their experiences in sanatoria, breakthrough drugs and how the disease has shaped their lives.

58 minutes
