A City Killing
After a foolhardy trade in the City almost wipes out Harry Tower's hedge fund, he turns for help to family friend, Bob Glass, probably the most successful trader on Wall Street.
Tim, Meredith and Harry are three sassy, thirty something traders who, tired of making money for someone else, combine to launch an aggressive new hedge fund. But it doesn't take long before they get seriously above themselves, losing a small fortune and making some pretty heavy enemies in the City markets.
Facing financial meltdown, Harry is deputed to exploit a family connection with Bob Glass of Glassworks. Glass is the doyen of Wall Street. Friend to charities and movie stars. The biggest, boldest, safest investor on the block.
In New York, Harry makes a good impression. Glass takes to him like a son. This is the coup the young hedge fund has needed. With Glass's name, confidence will flourish and further, major investments will follow.
But Harry has no sooner touched down at Heathrow, than news breaks of Glass's arrest by the FBI. His convoluted investment structure has collapsed. Billions have been lost by individuals, by charities and by burgeoning hedge funds, just like Harry's. Harry, Tim and Meredith have lost 1.2billion and rising. Glass, the most feared, loathed and admired man on Wall Street was just a simple confidence trickster though on a mammoth scale.
Now it's time to face the investors, and the fact that their credibility is virtually nil. This is a 拢1.2billion hole they aren't going to crawl out of.
In A City Killing by Mike Walker
Harry Towers was played by Nicholas Boulton
And Bob Glass by Nathan Osgood
Tim was played by David Tse
Meredith by Janice Acquah
Sarah Towers ..... Pam Miles
Trevor Marks ..... Jonathan Tafler
And Carmody ..... Sam Dale
The Director was Eoin O'Callaghan.