Episode 4
The sorcerees face elimination as they perform their liquid tricks in the theatre. The Sorcerer has invited a special audience of young firefighters to enjoy the performances.
The sorcerees face elimination once again when they perform their liquid tricks in the theatre. To help enhance their routines, special guest magician Miss Magic demonstrates how to successfully perform tricks with water.
In their final lessons, the sorcerees put the finishing touches to their acts. Welsh lad Ben is struggling with his confidence and Holly's nerves may get the better of her. Only Tommy, winner of the magic ticket thanks to Ayrton, is safe for now, and enjoys a VIP visit to see the Sorcerer.
The Sorcerer has invited a special audience of young firefighters, used to working with water, to enjoy the performances. And as the contest begins, will Ayrton's decision to give up the magic ticket cost him his place at the magic school? Which sorcerees will pull off their liquid tricks and which will be a washout?