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A bhoiteag is an Righ/The worm and the King
Episode 4 of 13
Animated folktales from around the world. When two sisters prevent their young brother from harming a worm, they gain unexpected rewards.
Dealbhan be貌 st猫idhichte air sgeulachdan as gach cearnaidh. Nuair a tha dithis nighean a' deanamh dion air boiteag bheag a tha a' nochdadh ann soitheach l脿n mheasan tha iad a'faighinn duais ris nach ro duil. Chan e boiteag abhaisteach a tha seo idir ach Righ a th'air falach.
Animated folktales from around the world. When two sisters prevent their heartless younger brother from harming a worm in a bowl of raspberries, they gain unexpected rewards. The worm is the Raspberry King in disguise and the sisters' adventure with him encourages their brother to change his attitude.
Last on
Sat 16 Jul 2016