Six talented young Gaels on a journey of discovery, spending eight days living together and taking on character building challenges in the great outdoors.
Gairm do dheugairean... Seo agad Breab, pr貌gram 霉r mu d' dheidhinn fh猫in! Thairis air an t-sreath ch矛 thu sianar Ghaidheal 貌ga, t脿lantach air turas. Bidh iad a' fuireach c貌mhla anns a' bhaile mh貌r agus anns an d霉thaich a' cur seachad 霉ine, a' feuchainn air d霉bhlain annasach; bho r霉sgadh coineanaich gu sti霉ireadh bhideo ci霉il...agus bidh na camarathan a' ruith, cha mh貌r fad na h-霉ine.
Chan e farpais a th'ann ge-t脿, ach cothrom do dheugairean d猫iligeadh ri suidheachadh gu tur 霉r agus eadar-dhealaichte, a
dh'aindeoin 's d貌cha cianalais, fad air falbh bho an caraidean is an teaghlach.
Six talented young Gaels go on a journey of discovery, spending eight days living together and taking on character building challenges in the great outdoors - from skinning a rabbit to directing a music video - with the cameras rolling throughout.
This is not about winning or losing - it is all about six teens having the guts to put themselves into an unknown situation and making the best of it; despite being away from home, far from their family and friends.
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