Episode 7
Jim explains how to prune evergreens, while Lesley starts off a new experiment in the potager garden: productive and pretty miniature gardening.
Are your rhododendrons rampant, is your griselinia growing out of hand, are your junipers jumping too far for their own good? If so, join Jim in the Beechgrove Garden for an evergreen-pruning masterclass.
Meanwhile, Lesley starts off a new experiment in the potager garden: productive and pretty gardening in miniature.
Carole and Lesley begin their annual tattie battle, growing tatties in bags; now it is the turn of the salad potato.
Beechgrove has always been about gardening on a budget, but in 2009 we are taking that a stage further and building a 'Credit Crunch Garden'. Over the course of the series, our friends at Wrap Scotland will help us see this stylish little garden take shape. This time, we create a water feature out of an old watering can, weave some stylish but second-hand willow wigwams, and plant herbs in old drainage pipes.
George Anderson ventures out of Scotland and visits Harperly Hall Nursery near Durham. Gary McDermott, a gold medal-winning exhibitor at Chelsea, is coming to Gardening Scotland for the first time to show off his stunning alpines, and George takes a sneak preview of the delights to come.