Episode 11
Jim checks on the progress of the family orchard and tomato town. Lesley starts planting in her Tuscan Feast garden. Carole revels in an extraordinary iris collection in Drybridge.
Jim takes a look at the burgeoning new family orchard, checks on the progress of Beechgrove's tomato town, and sees if the new kitchen-waste-compost trench method of growing runner beans is bearing fruit.
Lesley is back in the wee Tuscan Feast garden she built in Beechgrove a few weeks back. It's only four square metres but feels much bigger thanks to clever design. Now Lesley can start the fun part - the planting. Filling the little garden on the horizontal and vertical planes with edible plants will ensure this tiny space is as productive as possible.
And Carole visits Brian Young's stunning garden in Drybridge, near Irvine, to revel in his extraordinary iris collection.