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Increasing numbers of infertile couples are considering surrogacy, sometimes illegally. Where and how do couples find women to bear their children?
Tha 脿ireamh mh貌r de ch脿raidean neo-thorrach a' tionndadh gu m脿thraichean ionaid, uaireannan gu m矛-laghail. C脿ite agus ciamar a tha c脿raidean a' lorg na boireannaich seo? Agus d猫 an dearbh phr矛s a tha iad a' p脿igheadh airson leanabh a ghi霉lain dhaibh?
The desire for a child is leading increasing numbers of infertile couples to consider surrogacy, sometimes illegally. Where and how do couples find women to bear their children, and what price do those women pay for bearing a child?
Last on
Thu 11 Jun 2009