The award-winning Chris Moyles Show with the award-winning Chris Moyles.
Monday 22nd June 2009
06.30 芒聙聯 News and Sport
06:35 芒聙聯 Today we芒聙聶re being filmed live on the internet , so you can see what we all look like. Chris had an amazing day at the Grand Prix yesterday. He was helicoptered in and got to go down the pit lane and in the garages. There芒聙聶s a new voice on the news jingle, which Chris thinks sounds like Dave
06:59 芒聙聯 Many people are asking what Dom芒聙聶s desktop picture is. It芒聙聶s an image of Chappers and Austrian composer Franz Schubert looking a bit like Dave. Chris asks people to text in now if they think the new news jingle sounds like Dave
07:00 - News and Sport
07:05 芒聙聯 Chris wants Dave to demonstrate his new 'motor-way' or 'motor-nay' game from the weekend. Dom plays and gets up to the M10. Carrie then takes over and gets to the M18
07:20 芒聙聯 Chris asks Dave about his GCSE Biology paper which he did on Friday. The video is currently online if you want to see it. Dave thinks he might just about scrape an 芒聙聵E芒聙聶 although he stuffed up a question about an arctic fox
07:30 - News and Sport
07:35 芒聙聯 We read out some texts from people who have got GCSEs today, and Chris talks about his Twitter popularity which has not gone over the 200,000 mark. Dom doesn芒聙聶t know what parkin is, and weirdly looks like a cartoon dog when he芒聙聶s got his headphones on. We demonstrate this further by attaching paper ears onto his headphones
07:50 芒聙聯 We discuss the Katie Price and Peter Andre situation and what she芒聙聶s up to. Chris says he芒聙聶s there for both of them if they want it. Both being Katie and Peter. Chris and Dave then run down the chart from 10 to 1
08:00 - News and Sport
08:05 芒聙聯 We talk about Dom being under the thumb and his weird village
08:20 芒聙聯 Chris has just been talking to Sima Kotecha who芒聙聶s just got back from Afghanistan. She says we芒聙聶re very popular out there and Chris should do the show from Camp Bastian. Chris says he芒聙聶d rather do Strictly Come Dancing than face the Taliban, but is willing to send Folkface out on his behalf, and sign some DJ cards for the troops
08:30 - News and Sport
08:35 芒聙聯 Take That are getting rave reviews around the country and we芒聙聶re going to see them in a couple of weeks, and putting an hour of the concert out live
08:45 芒聙聯 Chris wonders whether Gary would sing 'Dave Spoke To Me' when they do Greatest Day on the current tour. Aled is here and has noticed that people are horrible on the free texts, and Dave has got big honk
09:00 芒聙聯 Tedious Link 芒聙聯 Feeder 'Seven Days In The Sun'
09:05 芒聙聯 Matt Fincham is here so we talk about his hair and what a great personality he has. Also Aled has upset Chris by saying he芒聙聶s not a friendly person. Aled also upsets him by calling a celt.
09:25 芒聙聯 Chris has got his weigh in tomorrow and needs to lose 2 pounds, but doesn芒聙聶t know hot to do it. He asks the team and the world for advice
09:30 - News and Sport
09:35 芒聙聯 Chris met Wing Commander Jazz Hawker at the Grand Prix yesterday, who芒聙聶s offered him a flight on board with the Red Arrows. He always talks about the helicopter pilot who flew him into Silverstone, having the code Pink Pink on the radio as they approached
09:50 芒聙聯 Cheggers' Pop Quiz with Emma and David; amazingly Emma wins and is back on tomorrow
10:00 芒聙聯 We talk to Jo about her book which is out today, and Piers芒聙聶 impression of an American man
Last on
Music Played
Time To Pretend
- Columbia.
Push The Button
- Push The Button.
- Universal Island.
Jack Pe帽ate
Be The One
David Guetta
When Love Takes Over (feat. Kelly Rowland)
- Virgin.
Kings of Leon
- Columbia.
Marmaduke Duke
Rubber Lover
- 14th Floor Records.
Take That
Greatest DJ <Moyles birthday>
- Greatest Day.
- Polydor.
- 1.
Seven Days In The Sun
- Seven Days In The Sun.
- Echo.
- 1.
Mr Hudson
Supernova (feat. Ye)
- Mercury.
Katy Perry
Waking Up In Vegas
- Virgin.
Release Me
- 3 Beat Blue.
Diamond Rings
- Jive.
- Mon 22 Jun 2009 06:30大象传媒 Radio 1