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Spain is one of the last countries in Europe to make the transition from providing migrant workers to other countries to potentially exploiting them in Spain itself.
'S e an Sp脿inn aon de na d霉thchannan mu dheireadh anns an Roinn E貌rpa a tha air gluasad bho bhith faighinn luchd-obrach a tha nan in-imrichean gu bhith a' gabhail a' bhrath orra. Tha seo gu math follaiseach ann am baile El Ejido ann an Andalucia.
Spain is one of the last countries in Europe to make the transition from providing migrant workers to becoming an exploiter of them. Nowhere is this more evident than in the Andalucian town of El Ejido.
Last on
Thu 13 Jan 2011