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Tha litir bheag na seachdain-sa aig Ruaraidh MacIllEathain. This week's short letter for learners is introduced by Ruaraidh MacLean.
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Mon 6 Jul 2009
大象传媒 Radio nan G脿idheal
An Litir Bheag 218
Duration: 03:31
An Litir Bheag 218
Tha mi ag innse sgeulachd dhuibh 鈥撀營ain Dubh Le貌dhasach, an Se貌ladair.聽Bha Iain air long fad c貌ig bliadhna.聽Bha e a鈥 faighinn bonn-a-sia aig ceann聽a鈥 chiad mh矛os agus d脿 bhonn-a-sia aig聽ceann an dara m矛os. Bha an tuarastal 聽aige a鈥 dol a dh霉blachadh gach m矛os.聽Bha e a鈥 dol a dh鈥檉haighinn fortan. Ach聽cha robh airgead gu le貌r aig muinntir聽na luinge.聽鈥淒猫 n矛 sinn?鈥 thuirt an sgiobair.聽鈥淎ir an latha mu dheireadh聽aige,鈥 thuirt fear leis an robh an long,聽鈥渃霉m air falbh bho th矛r. Thoir na tr矛聽pocannan seo don ghille. Iarr air falbh聽gu muir.鈥澛燭h脿inig an latha mu dheireadh.聽Bha an long aig muir. Thug an sgiobair聽na tr矛 pocannan don ghille. Bha fear de聽na pocannan l脿n 貌ir, bha fear l脿n airgid聽agus bha am fear eile l脿n copair.聽Dh鈥檉halbh an gille ann an r脿th.聽Chuir Iain tr矛 latha seachad air聽an r脿th. R脿inig e t矛r. Thug e na聽pocannan gu br脿igh a鈥 chladaich. Chuir聽e am falach iad anns a鈥 ghainmhich. 聽Choisich e fad na h-oidhche. Ach chan聽fhaca e taigh no duine. Aig beul an聽latha r脿inig e taigh m貌r. Choisich e a-steach.聽Bha boireannach dreachmhor聽ann. Thuirt Iain rithe gun robh e na聽she貌ladair agus gun robh e air sn脿mh聽gu t矛r bho long a chaidh fodha. Thug聽am boireannach biadh is deoch dha.聽Ach dh鈥檌arr i air falbh. 鈥淭ha seachd聽robairean a鈥 fuireach an seo,鈥 thuirt i.聽鈥淏idh iad air ais a dh鈥檃ithghearr.鈥澛犫淭ha mi coma,鈥 thuirt Iain.聽Th脿inig na robairean. 鈥溾橲 e robairean a聽th鈥 annainn,鈥 thuirt fear dhiubh, 鈥渁gus聽cha leig sinn 脿s thu be貌.鈥澛犫淭ha mi toilichte,鈥 fhreagair聽Iain Dubh. 鈥淏ha mise nam robair. Bu聽mhath leam a bhith ag obair c貌mhla聽ribh.鈥澛犫淐eart gu le貌r,鈥 arsa robair eile.聽鈥淕abhaidh gach fear a rathad fh猫in.聽Am fear as motha a bheir dhachaigh de聽chreach thar tr矛 oidhcheannan, bidh e聽na cheannard air c脿ch.鈥澛燙hunnaic Iain Dubh a聽chothrom. Air a鈥 chiad oidhche thill e聽le poca l脿n copair. Air an d脿rna聽oidhche, thill e le poca l脿n airgid. Air聽an treas oidhche thill e le poca l脿n 貌ir.聽Abair creach! Bha Iain a-nise na聽cheannard air c脿ch. Ach cha do r脿inig聽sinn deireadh na sge貌il fhathast...
The Little Letter 218
I鈥檓 telling you a story 鈥 Black-haired聽John of Lewis, the Sailor. John was on聽a ship for five years. He was getting a聽halfpenny at the end of the first month聽and two halfpennies at the end of the聽second month. His wages were going聽to double every month. He was going聽to get a fortune. But the ship folk聽[owners] didn鈥檛 have enough money.聽鈥淲hat shall we do?鈥 said the聽captain.聽鈥淥n his last day,鈥 said a man聽who owned the ship, 鈥渒eep away from聽land. Give these three bags to the lad.聽Ask that he goes to sea.鈥澛燭he final day came.The ship was聽at sea. The captain gave the lad the聽three bags. One of the bags was full of聽gold, one was full of silver and the聽other one was full of copper. The lad聽left in a raft.聽John spent three days on the raft.聽He reached land. He took the three聽bags to the upper part of the shore.聽He hid them in the sand. He walked聽all night. But he never saw a house or聽a person. At daybreak he reached a聽large house. He went inside.聽A good-looking woman was聽there. John told her that he was a聽sailor and that he had swum to land聽from a ship that went down. The聽woman gave him food and drink. But聽she asked him to leave. 鈥淪even聽robbers live here,鈥 she said. 鈥淭hey鈥檒l聽be back soon.鈥 聽鈥淚 don鈥檛 care,鈥 said John. The聽robbers came. 鈥淲e鈥檙e robbers,鈥 said聽one of them, 鈥渁nd we won鈥檛 let you聽leave alive.鈥澛犫淚鈥檓 pleased,鈥 said Black-haired聽John. 鈥淚 was a robber. I鈥檇 like to work聽with you.鈥澛犫淥kay,鈥 said the other robber.聽鈥淓ach man will take his own road.聽The one that brings home most聽plunder over three nights will the聽leader of the rest.鈥澛燘lack-haired John saw his 聽opportunity. On the first night he聽returned with a bag full of copper. On聽the second [dara and d脿rna both mean聽鈥渟econd鈥漖 night, he returned with a聽bag full of silver. On the third night,聽he returned with a bag full of gold.聽What plunder! John was now the聽leader of the others. But we haven鈥檛聽reached the end of the story yet...
- Mon 6 Jul 2009 19:00大象传媒 Radio nan G脿idheal
All the letters
Tha gach Litir Bheag an seo / All the Little Letters are here.
Podcast: An Litir Bheag
The Little Letter for Gaelic Learners
An Litir Bheag air LearnGaelic
An Litir Bheag is also on LearnGaelic (with PDFs)
An Litir Bheag
Litirichean do luchd-ionnsachaidh ura. Letters in Gaelic for beginners.