Sir Bobby Robson
Filmed in 2007, the late Bobby Robson talked to James Helm about his struggles with cancer, and his sheer love of football, which saw him managing well into his seventies.
At the start of 2007 Extratime filmed an interview with the late Sir Bobby Robson in Dublin. At the time he was a consultant to the Ireland football team. It was one of his last jobs in a staggering managerial career.
During more than five decades in the game Sir Bobby managed such teams as England, Barcelona, Newcastle and FC Porto, and he turned English minnows Ipswich into European giants. He took England to a World Cup semi final in 1990 - further than any manager since the 1966 triumph.
He talked to James Helm about his struggles with cancer, and his sheer love of football, which saw him managing well into his seventies.