The Ark
Writings and music focusing on the story of Noah and the Ark, with readings by Claire Skinner and Andrew Scott. Works include Chaucer and Blake, plus Britten and Bruch.
What does the story of The Ark mean to us today? Is it a Darwinian fable about survival? Is it a prophecy of impending ecological disaster? Or is it a blunt cautionary tale for an ungodly age?However you choose to read it, the tale of Noah and his Ark has proved perennially fascinating.
Blake and Milton jostle for space in the hold of our virtual ark with comic turns from Chaucer, Julian Barnes and Stanley Holloway amongst others, while actors Claire Skinner and Andrew Scott keep things shipshape. The musical animals are of the highest pedigree too - so count on hearing from Britten, Saint Saens, Bruch and Rossini.
As a concession to modernity, you can listen to the programme on your own if you insist but if you're really going to enter into the spirit of the enterprise, you should pair off with someone else - 'two by two' was, after all, the traditional arrangement.