A' gabhail brath air saorsa dhioplomasaich. Exploiting diplomatic immunity.
A-r猫ir co-chruinneachadh Vienna 1961, chan urrainn dhan lagh a dhol faisg air tosgairean anns an duthaich dham bheil iad a' tadhail. Air sg脿th seo, tha cuid dhiubh a tha a' gabhail a bhrath, le bhith a' faighinn 脿s le ticeadan paircidh agus eucoirean t貌rr nas miosa. Le iomradh air suidheachaidhean mu thosgairean a chaidh an leigeil as air sg脿th saorsa dhioplomasaich anns an Fhraing agus an Eilbheis, thathas ag iarraidh an siostam atharrachadh.
Under the Vienna Convention of 1961, diplomats enjoy full immunity from the law in their host country. Some diplomats have exploited this privilege, from evasion of parking tickets to much more shocking extents. Following some well documented cases of abuse of the immunity principle in France and Switzerland there are now calls to reform the system.