The situation of military wives the world over, focusing on Canada. The army runs their lives, forcing them to repeatedly move home with many trying family separations.
Tha am fiolm seo a' toirt guth do mhnathan an airm. Ged a chaidh seo a chl脿radh le mnathan airm Chanada, tha na boireannaich seo a' toirt oirnn smaoineachadh air suidheachadh mnathan an airm air feadh an t-saoghail. Ged nach eil iad anns an airm iad fh猫in, tha e a' riaghladh am beatha, a' toirt orra a bhith gluasad tric agus a' ciallachadh gu bheil iad air an sgaradh bho na daoine as fhaisg orra. Tha na suidheachaidhean sin gam f脿gail aonaranach.
The wives of Canadian military personel. A film reflecting the situation of military wives the world over. Even though they are not members of the military, the army runs their lives, forcing them to move repeatedly and subjecting them to long and trying separations. These circumstances often leave them feeling isolated and vulnerable.