Sgeulachd uchd-mhacachd. The story of a 'tug-of-love' baby who was adopted by an Israeli family 20 years ago, then returned to her Brazilian mother two years later.
Bho chionn fichead bliadhna, dh' uchd mhacaich teaghlach Israelach nighean bheag a Brasil ris an cainnte Bruna. As d猫idh da bhliadhna, thionndaidh am m脿thair a rug i an a矛rde, a' cumail a-mach gun deach Bruna a thoirt am bruid agus nach tug ise cead airson a h-uchd-mhacachd. Le cuideachadh bho sgioba telebhisean, chaidh i chun an 脿rd ch霉irt airson an nighean fhaighinn air ais. A dh' aindeoin gu robhas ag r脿dh gun reic a m脿thair Bruna, chaidh co-dh霉nadh nach d猫anadh e cron sam bith air Bruna nam biodh i air a toirt air ais. Dh' fh脿g i iomall baile Israel airson a dhol do che脿rnaidh bhochd de Bhrasil. De thachair do Bhruna bhon uairsin?
Twenty years ago, an Israeli family adopted a Brazilian baby girl called Bruna. After two years, the biological mother arrived, saying Bruna had been kidnapped and that she had never consented to the adoption. With the help of a television crew, she petitioned the high court for her daughter's return. Despite allegations that the mother had sold Bruna, it was decided Bruna should be returned. She left Israel's suburbs for the favelas of Brazil. What has happened to Bruna since then?