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A cultural history of some of Scotland's most important food staples, their effects on society and their modern cultural status. This programme looks at baked goods.
Thar ghinealachdan agus bhliadhnachan tha cuid a bhiadh ann a th'air a bhi bunaiteach do shluagh na h-Alba. Tha Annlan a' rannsachadh sia eile dhiubh , mar a bha agus mar a tha iad an diugh. Anns a phrogram seo fuinne.
A cultural history of Scotland's most ubiquitous and important food staples. The origins of six basic foods, their pivotal and often surprising effects on society, and their status in a modern convenience culture. A flavoursome account of why our culture is the way it is.
Exploring the impact of baking and baked goods.
Last on
Wed 23 Nov 2011