The Uist rocket range has always provoked controversy. Colin Maclean takes a look at the hotly debated 1957 campaign to relocate the Uist population to Canada.
Tha raon rocaid Uibhist air a bhith ag adhbhrachadh connspaid bho chaidh a st猫idheachadh; tha e air a shuidheachadh ann an aon de na h-脿iteachain as sonraichte a thaobh t矛r agus cultar ann am Breatainn. Le d脿n an 脿ite a tighinn bho sgr霉dadh a-rithist, tha Cailean Mac矛llEathain a toirt s霉il air eachdraidh an raon agus air iomart a ghabh aite ann an 1957 a bha airson na h-Uibhistich air fad a ghluasad gu Canada.
The Uist rocket range has always provoked controversy. Its backdrop is one of the most unique landscapes in the British Isles. As it's future comes under fresh scrutiny, Colin Maclean takes a look at the history behind the installation and the hotly debated 1957 campaign to relocate the Uist population to Canada.
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Cailean MacLean |