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In the last programme of the current series the team reports on the the most interesting stories from around Europe and looks back at some of the stories from the series.
Anns a' phr貌gram mu dheireadh san t-sreath seo bidh sgioba 贰貌谤辫补 ag aithris air na sgeulachdan as inntinniche bho air feadh na Roinn 贰貌谤辫补 agus a' coimhead air ais air feadhainn de na sgeulachdan a bh'againn san t-sreath.
In the last programme of the current series the team reports on the the most interesting stories from around Europe and looks back at some of the stories from the series.
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Thu 1 Apr 2010
大象传媒 Two Scotland
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D矛leab nan Comunnach ann an Alb脿inia

Nuair a thuit riaghaltasan Comunnach aig toiseach nan naochadan cha robh
Alb脿inia fada 脿s an d猫idh. Ach ged a tha m貌ran de na d霉thchannan sin
air feuchainn ri d猫iligeadh ri seann dh矛leab nan Comunnach, tha cuid den
bheachd gu bheil Alb脿inia fhathast fada air dheireadh. Anns a' phr貌gram
seo, tha sinn a' bruidhinn ri fear a th貌isich an rannsachadh aige fh猫in
airson fiosrachadh a lorg air c脿ite an deach athair a thiodhlacadh, as
d猫idh dha bhith air a chur gu b脿s aig l脿mhan nan Comunnach. Leis an
Riaghaltas a' coimhead air an d貌igh as fhe脿rr airson d猫iligeadh ri
eachdraidh na d霉thcha, a bheil e nas fhe脿rr na thachair fh脿gail san
eachdraidh, air neo am feum an d霉thaich daoine a thoirt gu lagh gus
gluasad air adhart?
Communist Legacy in Albania
When many Communist regimes started to fall at the beginning of the nineties, Albania's Communist rulers also lost power. Although many former Communist countries have been trying to deal with their past, some people are of the opinion that Albania has failed to do so. In this programme, we speak a man who started his own investigation to find out where his father was buried, after he was executed by the Communist state. As the Albanian Government attempts to deal with the country鈥檚 history, is what happened in the past best left there, or does the country have to bring people to justice in order to move on?
Communist Legacy in Albania
When many Communist regimes started to fall at the beginning of the nineties, Albania's Communist rulers also lost power. Although many former Communist countries have been trying to deal with their past, some people are of the opinion that Albania has failed to do so. In this programme, we speak a man who started his own investigation to find out where his father was buried, after he was executed by the Communist state. As the Albanian Government attempts to deal with the country鈥檚 history, is what happened in the past best left there, or does the country have to bring people to justice in order to move on?
Role | Contributor |
Producer | Hedda Macleod |
Gaelic current affairs reporting on political, social and cultural issues across Europe