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In a male version of the Hostess Bar, young Japanese women go to enjoy the company of male hosts without the usual complications of a regular boyfriend.
Anns na h-脿iteachan as fasanta de Tokyo, tha cleachdadh 霉r ann airson clubaichean aoigheachd. Coltach ri clubaichean nam fir, bidh boireannaich 脿 Iapan gam frithealadh agus a' p脿igheadh fireannaich airson coimhead as an d猫idh, a' ciallachadh nach eil na h-aon dhuilgheadasan aca nam biodh iad ann an c脿irdeas st猫idhichte.
In the trendy areas of Tokyo there is a new fashion for Host Bars. In this male version of the Hostess Bar, young Japanese women enjoy the company of male hosts without the usual complications of a regular boyfriend.
Last on
Thu 30 Jun 2011