As the chancellor scraps tax increases for landlords who let out holiday accommodation, how much of an impact will this have on the UK's tourism industry?
As the chancellor scraps tax increases for landlords who let out holiday accommodation, how much of an impact will this have on the UK's tourism industry?
Radio 4 presenter Peter Curran tells us his most recent location as he continues his journey across Europe in an electric car.
We speak to Sir Alan Sugar's first "Junior Apprentice", seventeen year old maths whizzkid Arjun Rajyagor...
and to mark a new 大象传媒 Two programme, we ask how television has portrayed disability over the last fifty years.
Last on
Student Loans
The deadline for students to apply for their loan is today. But according to the Student Loans Company, some 300,000 have still to get theirs in.
Duration: 05:01
British Airways Seating Policy Review
British Airways is reviewing its policy which prevents single male travellers from sitting next to unaccompanied children.
Duration: 06:16
Holiday Lettings
As the chancellor scraps tax increases for landlords who let out holiday accommodation, how much of an impact will this have on the UK's tourism industry?
Duration: 08:37
Junior Apprentice Winner
The first Junior Apprentice winner, Arjun Rajyagor, describes what it's like to be chosen by Sir Alan Sugar for the top prize after completing tough business challenges on the 大象传媒 1 show.
Duration: 07:18
Disability TV
To mark a new 大象传媒 Two programme, we ask how television has portrayed disability over the last fifty years.
Duration: 11:11
Keep on Driving
Edith Houghton is nearly 93. She started driving in the early thirties, before the test. In her time on the road she has driven sports cars, three tonne trucks and ambulances in wartime London
Duration: 09:02
Electric Ride Update
We catch up with Peter Curran on his electric car journey through Europe.
Duration: 04:17
- Fri 25 Jun 2010 12:00大象传媒 Radio 4 FM
- Fri 25 Jun 2010 12:04大象传媒 Radio 4 LW