Daedalus agus Icarus (Daedalus and Icarus)
Daedalus and Icarus create an invention to escape from a prison. Daedalus must let Icarus repeat his mistakes in order to escape.
Ged a tha Deadalus na innleachdair air leth sgileil tha a chuid ardan ga chur fh猫in 's a mhac, Icarus ann am f矛or chunnart. Air an glasadh am broinn an labyrinth feumaidh iad d貌igh fhaighinn air teicheadh mus t猫id am biathadh dhan mhinotaur. Ach turas eile, tha an cuid fearas-mh貌r a gabhail thairis air gach ni eile 's gan f脿gail ann an gabhadh uabhasach.
Daedalus, the greatest inventor in the world, was an ambitious man who sought fame and fortune above all. Him and his son Icarus are imprisoned in Minos's labyrinth. Learning from his mistakes, Daedalus and Icarus create an invention to escape from their prison. Daedalus must let Icarus repeat his mistakes in order to escape.