Katia Lafaille, mother of two and widow of a well-known mountaineer who disappeared in the Himalayas, attempts one of the toughest mountain trails in the world.
Aig 6, 962 meatairean, 's e Mount Aconcagua a' bheinn as 脿irde ann an Argentina. 'S e banntrach Jean-Christophe Lafaille, an streapadair beinne as aithnichte a chaidh 脿 sealladh faisg air mullach Makulu anns na Himalayas a th' ann an Katia Lafaille. Tha dithis chloinne aice, aois 7 agus 15. D猫 tha ga sti霉ireadh gus aon de na slighean as duilghe san t-saoghal a choiseachd?
The Stone Sentinel is one of the nicknames of Mount Aconcagua in Argentina which is part of the Andean Cordillera. At 6962 metres, it's the highest mountain on the continent. Katia Lafaille is the widow of Jean-Christophe Lafaille, the well-known mountaineer who disappeared near the summit of Makalu in the Himalayas. She's also the mother of two children, aged seven and 15. So what is it that drives her to attempt one of the toughest mountain trails in the world?