Episode 17
Series devoted to saving treasured heirlooms from the scrapheap. At Burghley House, Rod Titian repairs a Victorian lyre cabinet while Roger Hawkins revives some unusual bottles.
Series devoted to saving treasured heirlooms from the scrapheap, restoring them to their former glory and maybe even making some money at auction.
As people start arriving at Burghley House with a motley collection of antiques and heirlooms that have definitely seen better days, it soon becomes clear that the restorers are going to have to be on top of their game.
Picture restorer, Lucia Scalisi faces a beast of problem when she needs to nurse an F Daws oil painting of a St Bernard back to health. But despite all her efforts, will the restored picture prove top dog at auction?
And Lucia isn't the only expert feeling the pressure. Repairing a badly damaged Victorian lyre cabinet originally used to store sheet music calls for a virtuoso performance from Rod Titian. And Roger Hawkins has to pull out all the stops when it comes to reviving some unusual fish-shaped stone water bottles.