Quirky comedy by Ben Lewis. A teenager becomes an internet star because of his nightly good news webcasts.
This is the story of a legend in the making.
A nervous young man lives at the dead end of a dead-end town. On his eighteenth birthday he comes into his inheritance. With a little help from an old teacher, he finds it equips him to broadcast over the internet.
Living in a house where rolling news is a constant presence, he does what comes naturally - he fires up his computer and presents the news. But his news is different. It puts a spring in its audience's step. That is, until his grandma starts to grow suspicious about what this boy is getting up to, nightly in his bedroom, and tries to put a stop to the broadcasts completely.
A quirky comedy about a teenager who becomes an internet phenomenon by Ben Lewis.
Boy..........Joshua Jenkins
Grandma.......Julia McKenzie
Sir.......Mark Heap
Grandad......Peter Marinker
Newsreader...Alison Pettitt
Director: Kirsty Williams.