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The teenagers are down on the farm, and they've got their work cut out.
'S e obair tuathanais a tha fainear dha na deugairean a-nochd. Tha caoraich ri thrusadh, b脿 rim bleoghainn is tractaran ri sti霉ireadh tro ch霉rsa cnap-starra. 'S cinnteach gum bi droch fh脿ileadh agus salchair gu le貌r an l霉ib na d霉bhlain cuideachd.
The teenagers are down on the farm. They've got their work cut out with sheep to gather, cows to milk and a tractor obstacle course to complete. There'll also be plenty of muck and interesting smells along the way.
Last on
Sat 1 Sep 2012