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Gaelic literacy for seven- to nine-year-olds. While waiting for a plane at the airport, Ruairidh makes notes which will help him write his new story.
Fhad 's a tha Ruairidh aig a' phort-adhair a' feitheamh ri pl猫an, tha e a' cur seachad na h-霉ine le bhith a' sgr矛obhadh notaichean agus faclan a chuidicheas leis an st貌iridh 霉r. Tha an t-sreath-sa a' tairgsinn taic a thaobh sgr矛obhadh mac-meanmnach do chlann aois 7-9.
Series supporting 7-9 year olds with the process of imaginative writing. Whilst waiting for a plane at the airport, Ruairidh spends his time making notes which will help him write his new story.
Last on
Mon 27 Sep 2010