Partaidh Mh貌r na Bliadhna (Popular Kids)
Tha tr矛 deugairean a' sabaid eilthirich le cuideachadh bho nighean 脿raidh agus a seanair. Three teens battle alien invaders.
Th脿inig Cathy on phlanaid Rhapsodia c貌mhla ri a Seanair, Mgr Greum, 's iad airson comann d矛omhair a' steidheachadh a thigeadh an aghaidh eilthirich. C貌mhla ri Sam, Danny 's Chris, 's iad na Maoir Bacaidh Chalma.
Tha nighean 霉r air a bheil Jenny a' tighinn a Bhaile Shimidh 's chan eil fada gus a bheil a h-uile duine air am be貌 ghlacadh leatha. Ge-t脿, tha am Maor Bacaidh Chalma amharasach mu a deidhinn 's 脿s d猫idh beagan sgr霉daidh tha iad ag ionnsachadh gur e eilthireach ochd-chasach a th' innte. Feumaidh am MBC stad a chur orra mus cuir i an sgoil gu l猫ir gu taobh eile a ghalacsaidh dhorch'.
Cathy is an alien girl who comes from the Planet Rhapsodia. She and her grandfather, Mgr Greum, came to planet Earth to power a super secret organization that will protect the world against aliens. Together with her three friends, Sam, Danny and Chris, they are Maoir Bacaidh Chalma.
A new girl, Jenny, arrives in Baile Shimidh and soon becomes the most popular girl in school. Maor Bacaidh Chalma have reason to be suspicious of her and soon find out that she is actually an octo-alien. The MBC must put a stop to her before she sends their classmates to the other side of the galaxy.
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