Baile ann am baile/The village in the city
Partick was once a focal point for Gaels arriving in Glasgow. Does the Partick of today retain a Gaelic identity?
A' coinneachadh muinntir Phartaig . Am bheil e fhathast na oisean G脿idhealach ann an Glaschu? Tha cuimhne aig cuid nuair a bha G脿idhlig ri chluinntinn air an t-sr脿id a h-uile l脿 ach de an se貌rsa beatha a th'aig G脿idheal a difir ghinealachdan ann am Partaig a l脿 an diugh. Tha an t-sreath seo a' leanntan cuid dhiubh nam beatha l脿itheil.
Partick was once a focal point for Gaels arriving in Glasgow, a home away from home. What does the Partick of today look like and does it still retain a Gaelic identity? This series follows Gaels across the generations as they go about their daily lives in Partick.
Last on
Coinnich ri D貌mhnall 脿 Partaig
Duration: 01:56
Role | Contributor |
Director | Peter MacQueen |
Director | Sarah Mackinnon |