M矛-Mhodh is Peanas/The Trouble With Troublemaking
Cathy is given detention and is surprised to discover that the detention teacher Mr Gluten is actually a glue alien!
脌s d猫idh a bhith ag argumaid leis an tidsear aice, tha Cathy air a' cur gu clas peanas 脿s d猫idh na sgoil ach tha iongnadh eile a' feitheamh orra nuair a gheibh i mach gur e eilthireach a th' anns an tidsear a tha gabhail a chlas.
Airson buaidh fhaighinn air an eilthireach seo tha Danny den bheachd gum feum iad uile peanas fhaighinn ach chan eil am plana seo a' c貌rdadh ri Chris no Sam, a tha daonnan f矛or mhodhail sa sgoil.
Sa chlas pheanas tha Sam 's Cathy ag ionnsachadh gu bheil Mhgr Gluten airson daoine 脿 Rhapsodia - 's e sin Cathy - a ghlacadh airson a dhol a dh'obair dha. Mus faigh e gr猫im air Cathy ge-t脿, tha na balaich a' cur stad air le bioran-d霉bhlain.
After arguing with her teacher, Cathy is given detention and is surprised to discover that the detention teacher Mr Gluten is actually a glue alien!
Danny hatches a plan to fight the alien which sees them all having to get detention - a plan which Chris and Sam don't like as they never get into trouble.
Chris has trouble getting a detention despite his research, but Sam finds herself being punished for attacking a lunch lady she believes to be an alien. At detention, Sam finds out that the alien teacher is gathering Rhapsodians to work for him.