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Series supporting 7-9 year olds with the process of imaginative writing. Ruairidh has a new story but he also has a problem.
Tha st貌iridh 霉r aig Ruairidh ach tha duilgheadas ma choinneamh... tha meadhan agus deireadh na sge貌il aige, ach chan eil fhios aige ciamar a th貌isicheas e! Tha an t-sreath-sa a' tairgsinn taic a thaobh sgr矛obhadh mac-meanmnach do chlann aois 7-9.
Series supporting 7-9 year olds with the process of imaginative writing. Ruairidh has a new story but he also has a problem - he knows the middle and the end but how should the story begin?
Last on
Mon 7 Mar 2011