Ca Bheil Cuilean? (Where's my Doggie?)
After getting in trouble for painting on her house, Igam Ogam and Rolag must tidy the mess that they have made. Cuilean adds to the chaos.
As deidh dhaibh burach uabhasach adhbharachadh, feumaidh Iigam Ogam 's Rolag an t-aite sgioblachadh ach tha Cuilean bochd ag iarraidh cluich 's e a' fagail cuisean nas miosa buileach. Tha Igam Ogam a' trod ris 's ga chuir air falbh air sgath 's a mhi-mhodh ach nuair a thig i a choimhead air a shon a-rithist chan eil sgeul air. Tha i fhein 's Rolag a coimhead anns gach ait' airson Cuilean 's iad mu dheireadh ga lorg le bhith leantainn na laraich-spoig a dh' fhag e as a dheidh.
Animated series for precocious pre-schoolers. After getting in trouble for painting on her house, Igam Ogam and Rolag must tidy the mess that they have made. Cuilean adds to the chaos and ends up making the situation worse. Annoyed with Cuilean, Igam Ogam sends him away and when she later goes to look for him he is nowhere to be seen.