Children's animation featuring the little kid with the mind-boggling imagination. Eliot believes that the nurse coming to examine the school children is an evil scientist.
Children's animation featuring Eliot, the little kid with the mind-boggling imagination that turns the most commonplace situations into Hollywood action-adventure blockbusters. When a tooth falling out turns into a hunt for the giant mouse, when the city's sewers transform into Indiana Jones's white rapids or when a trip to the toilets becomes an expedition to a haunted house, well then you've entered the wonderful world of Eliot Kid!
Today is the day of the medical visit at school. In Eliot's imagination, the nurse who will examine the boys is none other than Diabolika, the same as in the comic strip he has just been reading. Danger! The demonic scientist absorbs the life force of children! The problem for Eliot is that he did not have time to read the end of the comic book, he left it at home! And so he does not know how to get rid of this Diabolika. Eliot absolutely has to get his hands on the comic before his examination.