Children's animation featuring the little kid with the mind-boggling imagination. Salami, the Kid family's dog, digs up a little Inca statue from the school lawn.
Children's animation featuring Eliot, the little kid with the mind-boggling imagination that turns the most commonplace situations into Hollywood action-adventure blockbusters.
Salami, the Kid family's dog, accidentally digs up a little Inca statue from the school lawn. The curator of the town museum announces that the school has to be closed so he can undertake an excavation. Good news for Eliot who suddenly becomes quite the hero among his friends! But Eliot, Mimi and Kaytoo discover that a curse will be unleashed if the buried city is desecrated. So they're going to pull out all the stops to stop the excavation taking place and stop the statue, the terrible stone giant, from swallowing up all those who step onto the hallowed earth of the city.