Rionnag Mh貌r sa Reul-chrios (Acting Out)
Three teens battle alien invaders. MBC save one of the galaxy's most successful superstar managers from an alien lizard called P猫ist.
Tha tr矛 deugairean a' sabaid eilthirich le cuideachadh bho nighean 脿raidh agus a seanair. Tha an MBC a s脿bhaladh Sandy Fear Easgaidh, manaidsear rionnagan ainmeil, bho snagaire de dh' eilthireach air a bheil P猫ist. Airson taing a thoirt dhaibh, tha Sandy airson an cuideachadh le bhith ainmeil.
Tha iad uile f矛or thoilichte leis a phlan ach tha Mhgr Greum a cuimhneachadh dhaibh gun fheum am Maor Bacaidh a bhith d矛omhair. Ge-t脿, tha Chris a' dol a dh'obair do Shandy leis fh猫in. Aig an aon 脿m, tha Cathy a' faighinn p脿irt ann an dealbh chluiche na sgoile. Tha P猫ist a' feuchainn ri buaireadh a dh猫anamh ach le Cathy trang san dealbh chluiche 's Chris a di霉ltadh creidsinn gu bheil P猫ist 脿s a dh猫idh, feumaidh Sam, Danny 's E貌in a' ch霉is a dh猫anamh leotha fh猫in.
Three teens battle alien invaders.
MBC save Sandy Fear Easgaidh, one of the galaxy's most successful superstar managers, from an alien lizard called P猫ist. In return for saving his life Sandy offers MBC the chance to become famous. Everyone agrees, but Mr. Greum says no as the Monster Buster Club is a secret society and must not be revealed.
However, Chris secretly calls Sandy and agrees to participate in commercials. Meanwhile, Cathy wins a part in the school play and must prepare for opening night. P猫ist, the lizard alien, is looking to kill every superstar who works with Stanley. But, with Cathy too busy preparing for the school play, and Chris not wanting to believe that Wedge is after him, it is up to Sam, Danny and Eoin to find P猫ist before he strikes.