Gaisgich nan Comaig (Comic Book Heroes)
Three teens battle alien invaders. A strange new boy called Gille-Brighde appears at school who appears to have an inexplicable power.
Tha tr矛 deugairean a' sabaid eilthirich le cuideachadh bho nighean 脿raidh agus a seanair. Nuair a thig Gille-Brighde dhan sgoil aca, tha e a' cur iongnadh air an MBC mar a tha cumhachd mi-n脿darra aige thairis air a chlann eile uile. Tha e tighinn am follais gur e eilthireach a th' ann an Gille-Brighde a tha toirt air clann Baile Shimidh a chuideachadh a falach an st貌ras chomaig aige. Le Cathy a' leigeil orra gur e s脿r-chaileag nan comaig a th' innte 's Sam bho buaidh Ghille-Brighde, an tig aig am Maor Bacaidh air stad a chur ir cuisean?
Three teens battle alien invaders.
A strange new boy called Gille-Brighde appears at school who appears to have an inexplicable power over the other kids. It transpires that Gille-Brighde is an alien who is trying to make the kids prepare his comic book collection to be stored on earth. With Cathy busy imitating one of the comic book heroines, and Sam under Gille-Brighde's spell, will the MBC be able to save kids from the mysterious boy alien?