Episode 11
An t-seachdain a-rithist, tha sgioba ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ ag aithris air na sgeulachdan as inntinniche bho air feadh na Roinn ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹. Reporting on the most interesting stories from around Europe.
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Earbsa ann am Berlusconi?
Tha connspaid gu leòr air Prìomhaire na h-Eadailt Silvio Berlusconi a leantainn sna sia bliadhna deug, uile gu lèir, a tha e air a bhith san dreuchd. Casaidean mu phà rtaidhean le boireannaich òga, gu sgeulachdan anns na meadhanan mu cheanglaichean eadar e fhèin is ball den Mhafia. Coltach ri dùthchannan eile san Roinn ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ tha eaconomaidh na h-Eadailt cuideachd a' fulang. An ath seachdain bidh bhòt earbsa ga chumail sa phà rlamaid an dèidh do cheathrar buill Giancarlo Fini a leantainn ann a bhith fà gail pà rtaidh riaghlaidh Bherlusconi. Tha an dùthaich cha mhòr na dà leth a-nis eadar iadsan a tha a' toirt taic do Bherlusconi is iadsan a tha na aghaidh. Chaidh Darren Linc dhan Ròimh is e a' faighneachd an e seo lathaichean Bherlusconi mar phrìomhaire a' tighinn gu crìoch.
Trust in Berlusconi?
Much controversy has followed Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi over the 16 years he has been in office. Allegations of late-night parties with young women, as well as alleged links between Berlusconi and a member of the mafia. There have also been economic problems in Italy as in many other European countries. Next week there will be a parliamentary vote of confidence in Berlusconi as Prime Minister after four MPs followed Giancarlo Fini's lead and left Berlusconi's governing party. The country, as well as parliament, is now almost split between supporters and detractors of Berlusconi. Darren Laing travelled to Rome to ask whether Berlusconi's days as Prime Minister are nearing their end.
Dìlleachdain Albà inia
Ann an Albà inia chan eil a h-uile leanabh a th' air ainmeachadh mar dhìlleachdan air pà rantan a chall. Tha dà dhiofar sheòrsa de dhìlleachdan anns an dùthaich: dìlleachdain bith-eòlasach agus dìlleachdain shòisealta. Tha dìlleachdain shòisealta gan cuir a-steach do ionadan stà ite air sgà th bochdainn ann an teaghlach – rud a tha an riaghaltas ann Albà inia air a rà dh gu bheil iad dol a chur stad air. Dhaibhsan a tha tighinn tro ionadan stà ite, tha beatha dhuilich tric ma choinneamh orra nuair a ruigeas iad aois inbhich, agus tha feadhainn ag rà dh nach eil an riaghaltas a' dèanamh gu leòr air an son an uair sin. Tha Alasdair Friseal ag aithris à Albà inia.
Orphans in Albania
In Albania, many children classed as orphans have living mothers or fathers. There are two types of orphans in the country: biological orphans and social orphans. Social orphans are placed in care as a result of poverty in their families – something which the Albanian authorities have in the past promised to prevent from happening. For those who grow up in orphanages adult life often poses serious challenges, and human rights groups have accused the Albanian authorities of not doing enough to help this vulnerable group. Alasdair Fraser reports from Albania.
Role | Contributor |
Producer | Hedda Macleod |
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Gaelic current affairs reporting on political, social and cultural issues across Europe