Eist Rium (Listen to Me)
Animated series for precocious pre-schoolers. Igam Ogam is in a musical mood, but nobody else seems to appreciate the noise she makes.
A' toiseachadh an latha le oran, tha Igam Ogam ann an sunnd ceolmhor fad an latha. Ge-ta, tha a h-uile duine eile den bheachd nach eil ann ach fuaim 's upraid uabhasach aig am far am bheil iad a' coimhead airson beagan fois fhaighinn. Cha tig aig Igam Ogam bochd air duine a lorg a dh' eisteas rithe. A' cruthachadh ionnsramaidean a ni fuaimean annasach, tha Igam Ogam a' cur ri cheile comhlan le a caraidean 's tha iad uile a deanamh fonn breagha a cluich comhla.
Animated series for precocious pre-schoolers.
Igam Ogam is in a musical mood after starting the day with a song. But nobody else seems to appreciate her 'music' and people think she is simply making a racket, disturbing their peace and quiet. Igam Ogam wants everyone to listen to her but nobody is willing. She then creates some instruments that make unusual sounds and gets her friends to form a band with her.