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Cumhachd ath-nuadhachail sna h-Eileanan an Iar
Tha grunn bhuidhnean coimhearsnach sna h-Eileanan an Iar air thoiseach air ch脿ich ann a bhith a' feuchainn ri buannachd airgid cumhachd ath-nuadhachail a thoirt gu buil airson math nan sg矛rean anns a bheil iad. Tha ochd buidhnean an impis a bhith a' cruthachadh an cuid cumhachd fh猫in, a dh'fhaodadh na muilleanan notaichean a chruthachadh airson leasachadh goireasean is seirbheisean. Tha sia pr貌iseactan, le taic bho na coimhearsnachdan sa bheil iad, an d霉il tuathan-gaoithe beaga a thogail ann an sg矛rean air feadh nan eilean. Ach tha luchd-labhairt nam buidhnean ag r脿dh gu faodadh na h-霉ghdarrasan riaghlaidh, agus na companaidhean a tha a' sgaoileadh dealain, a bhith air c霉isean a r猫iteach dhaibh airson slighe-leasachaidh nas doigheile a bhith aca.
Renewable energy in the Western Isles
A number of community groups in the Western Isles are leading the way in making renewable energy pay for the local community. Up to eight community groups are on the verge of producing their own renewable electricity which could earn millions of pounds which will be used to develop community services and facilities. Six of the projects, which stretch from Ness in the North of Lewis to Barra at the southern tip of the island chain, will build small wind farms, which have strong backing from local people. Group representatives say, however, that the regulatory authorities, and the electricity supply companies could have made the path to development much easier for them.
Cr矛ostaidhean Ioracach san Tuirc
Bidh m貌ran Chr矛ostaidhean Ioracach a' cur seachad Latha na Nollaige ann an 脿ite gu tur 霉r am bliadhna. A r猫ir nan D霉thchannan Aonaichte, theich mu mh矛le teaghlach Ioracach 脿 Baghdad agus Mosul san d脿 mh矛os mu dheireadh. Chaidh t貌rr dhan cheann a tuath gu sg矛re a tha nas s脿bhailt dhaibh. Dh'fh脿g feadhainn Iorac buileach glan agus tha iad a-nis a' sireadh comraich ann an d霉thchannan eile. 'S i an Tuirc t猫 dha na h-脿itichean ga bheil iad a' dol. Ach, cha bhi iad ann an sin ro fhada, agus an Tuirc a' di霉ltadh cead-fuirich l脿n-霉ine a thoirt do dh'fh貌garraich bhon taobh sear. Chaidh 贰貌谤辫补 a bhruidhinn ri cuid dhan a tha air a dhol ann bho chionn ghoirid, faic mar a tha a' dol leotha.
Iraqi Christians in Turkey
Many Iraqi Christians will be spending Christmas Day in unfamiliar surroundings this year. According to the United Nations approximately 1000 Iraqi families have fled their homes in Baghdad and Mosul in the past two months. Many went to the northern region where it is relatively safe for them. Others left Iraq altogether. Neighbouring Turkey is one country they have gone to. But they won't be there for very long. Turkey doesn't give permanent residency to refugees from eastern countries. Eorpa went to speak to some who have gone there recently to see how they are getting on.
Role | Contributor |
Producer | Hedda Macleod |
- Wed 22 Dec 2010 20:30
Gaelic current affairs reporting on political, social and cultural issues across Europe